Perdre ses bois, video, 2023
carrying, video | 2023
Perdre ses bois Walking through the forest carrying three wooden chairs. The video speaks towards the weight of absence and the grieving process. Carrying three wooden chairs in her arms through the wintry woods, one of them previously belonging to her grandmother, Rachel Echenberg’s performance plays on the artist’s physical relationship with her materials. As […]

Comment tenir le vide, video, 2023
carrying, family, glass, performance, video | 2023
Comment tenir le vide : 3 tentatives (How to hold the emptiness: 3 attempts) The central theme of loss in this performative video work is portrayed through the attempt to hold onto breakable and intangible elements: glass, wind, sand or intimate relationships. Although the video actions implicate some endurance, they mostly speak to poetic connections […]