Proximité, performance intervention, 2003
body amplification, intervention, performance | 2002
Proximité This performance was located in a giant sand pit where the audience would sit, one at a time, on a stool fifty feet/15 metres away from me and put on a headset in which they would hear the live sounds of my body. The sounds were captured through a stethoscope connected to a homemade […]

body-house: les paroles autonomes, performance intervention, 2002
body amplification, intervention, performance | 2002
body-house: les paroles autonomes In this piece sounds were filtered and emitted by/through my pregnant body to be amplified into nine speakers set in the surrounding area. This action went on for three to five hours at a time at three different locations around Montreal: an office building, a park and a metro station. . […]

Still: from within to without, performance intervention, 2001-02
body amplification, intervention, performance | 2002
Still: from within to without This intimate one-to-one performance functioned with individual appointments in public places of the participant’s choosing. Wearing a garment filled with holes that exposed round patches of my body I would place a stethoscope built for two listeners (myself and the participant) directly onto my skin to hear specific sounds and […]