Portraits de Spectateurs, video, 2009
installation, video | 2009
Portraits de spectateurs Installation composed of sixteen video portraits of people filmed in front of television sets, evident through the light reflected against the person’s skin. The state of watching, and not being watched, creates neutral expressions on their faces that open up towards the possibility for physical transformation; crying, laughing, falling asleep, sweating and […]

Silence, performance, 2009
performance | 2009
Silence A series of gestures in which I continually attempted to speak, but cut myself off each time by: painting my tongue with lipstick, covering my entire face with makeup concealer, emptying a compact of pressed powder over my head. The final action was lighting a double-sided candle held in my mouth that had sparklers […]

Riez II, performance, 2009
intervention, laughing, performance | 2009
Riez II I darkened the openings and allowed visitors to enter one at a time into the trailer house that was set up on the street during this art fair. Upon entering, each person was given a card that invited him or her to laugh with me for a timed minute and then leave. Two […]

Invisible, performance, 2008-09
intervention, performance | 2008, 2009
Invisible Over the course of several hours I attempted to make myself invisible by applying layer upon layer of concealer makeup. This action was performed in a café, a shopping mall food court, an empty apartment and the window space of an abandoned building. Préavis de désordre urbain, Marseille, France, 2008 Carbon Interiors, Hamilton Artist […]

Overflow, performance, 2008-09
glass, performance | 2008, 2009
Overflow One at a time, audience members pressed and held glasses to my body until I was entirely surrounded. This group then walked me through the museum to the farthest tunnel where I seemed to be offering them a glass of wine but I was so focused on keeping eye contact that I poured the […]