How to explain performance art to my teenage daughter.
Comment expliquer l’art performance à ma fille adolescente.

Mother and child embrace the difficult intricacies of explaining art to each other through an intimate action. This is intercut with a straightforward description of Joseph Beuys’ well-known 1965 performance, How to explain pictures to a dead hare. Absurdity and tenderness merge to reveal understanding as a sensory activity.

How to explain performance art to my teenage daughter was originally a performance (2015) that was later remade as a video and photo series.

available for screening through Vidéographe and Vtape

Selected Filmography:
-InterMedia Art Institute, Düsseldorf, Germany, 09-21
-PHI foundation, Montreal QC, 07-21
-Correspondance, Manchester UK & Montreal QC, 10-20
-38e édition des Rendez-vous Québec Cinéma, Montreal 02-20
-Cinema on the Bayou, Lafayette, Louisiana, 01-20
-AGGV, Victora BC, 10-19 – 02-20
-Instants Vidéo, Aix-en-Provence, France, 10-19
-GIV, MTL, QC (Vidéos des Femmes dans le Parc) 07-19
-Traverse Vidéo, Toulouse, France, 03-14-19
-FIFA, MTL, QC.  03-19
-Dunlop Art Gallery, Regina, SK, 01-19 – 03-19
-FADO, Open Doors, Toronto, Ont., 05-24-18

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